Professional Flooring Installation (10/15-5/1)


Flooring Options

Our flooring options include installation of ceramic, hardwood, vinyl planks, and carpet.  There is a one year warranty on installation. 

Flooring Process

First, we help take the furniture out of the area.  Then, we tear out the old flooring.  After the preparation is finished we install a subfloor in the area if needed.  Patching and leveling the floor will be done before we install any new flooring.  After the installation is complete we always make sure we do our best to clean up any debris.  When the job is done, we will help move the furniture back into place.  

Work Ethic

K&M always takes pride in our work.  We strive to do our best and leave with pleased customers.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at (716)-969-1489.